Curatorial Text


(Guatemala, 1980. Lives and works in Guatemala City)

Psychologist and researcher who conceives the artistic as an ingredient of comprehensive health and the whole exercise of law. Teacher and independent educational curator. As an artist, she visits the fields of drawing, the word, and interdisciplinary creative resources.Artistic and educational curator of the 1st ed. artistic residency “Cuerpo Territorio,” Asociación Maíz de Vida (Guatemala). She is a healer, curator, co-founder, and co-director of the independent educational community Creatorio Artístico Pedagógico (CAP) based on the arts, the socio-emotional, and collective thinking. She was the educational curator for the 21 Bienal de Arte Paiz with Gerardo Mosquera and Maya Juracán. Consultant on art didactics for entities such as MINEDUC, Escuela Municipal de Artes Visuales, and Fundación Yaxs (all in Guatemala). Lecturer and workshop leader for the Centro Cultural de España, Simposio Pasos a Desnivel, Escuela Superior de Arte (USAC), and others in Guatemala. MAC (Panama). Cátedra Inés Amor, Bienal Femsa, Muac/Unam, (Mexico), MAMB, Banrep Cultural – Plataforma Caníbal (Colombia) and others. She is an Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas graduate and a four-year Daniel Schafer DS2 scholarship holder. She has written for magazines and specialized media such as A*Desk, publicación Bisagra, de Pedagogías Empáticas Indisciplinas Artísticas. Together with the Centro Cultural de España in Guatemala and the educational community of Creatorio Artístico Pedagógico, she has published the book Una constelación de diez años (A Constellation of Ten Years)  on history and contemporary educational art models, from Guatemala.